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Articles on topics interesting


How the Blog Broke the Web

"First you had to have something to say, then write, edit it, format it, add clip art, edit your index.html, edit any prev/next links, check those links, and lastly, upload the files.

It was boring, tedious, and involved."

My Website is a Personal Museum

"At this point, I'd be willing to sacrifice the potential for fame for greater content longevity, long-term influence, and most importantly my sanity."

How to live without your phone

"There are no barriers any more. Everything is everywhere."


Why I Still Use Last.FM (And You Should Too)

"The verb “scrobble” referred to (consensually) tracking the music that people listened to across different operating systems."

How to Get Healthier Dopamine Highs

"Whenever dopamine is involved, moderation is key. Don’t spend too much time in flow, even for your job. For some, 'work has become druggified like everything else.' Take breaks for fun. Used occasionally, social media and video games can be great outlets."

Beyond Self-Control: Mechanisms of Hedonic Goal Pursuit and Its Relevance for Well-Being

"Self-control is commonly defined as successful long-term goal pursuit in the face of conflicting hedonic goals. We argue that not only successful long-term but also successful hedonic goal pursuit is adaptive for well-being."

Lessons on Success and Deliberate Practice from Mozart, Picasso, and Kobe Bryant

"On a daily basis, this doesn’t have to look big or impressive. And that’s good, because it will often feel like you’re failing."

The art of Aphantasia: how ‘mind blind’ artists create without being able to visualise

"Someone he knew, but couldn’t picture."

"To despair. That's what it takes for a witch to die."
...maybe it's time to leave?