Welcome to the world of Focumon!

Focumon is a productivity game that lets you level pixel creatures through focusing. (Maybe that sounds similar to something...)

The game leverages a technique called Third Time. It's similar to the Pomodoro Technique where you work 25 minutes, break for 5 minutes, and after four work sessions take a long break. With Third Time, you work for as long as you want and break for a third of the amount of time you worked.

It's a cool concept and a website I use a lot, so why not share it. ^.^

Some Tips

Last updated February 18, 2025. happy birthday focumon!🎉

How to get stones for evolution

There are currently 4 ways to get stones:

  1. Randomly from the Portal
  2. Through the Expedition Maps
  3. Bought from the Shop for 120 gems (🙀)
  4. Converted from Stardust, which is obtained through reaching 30 days with your Goal Buddy

Daily Shop discounts

Only EXP Candy has a chance to get discounted now 😢. Be sure to get it if it's free!

Break Session

(Tip taken from the server, eheheh)

If you're having trouble getting started on something, start a focus session and immediately switch to break mode.

For every minute you're procrastinating, you'll need to work more to get the ratio back to positive. Imagine all of the loot you're missing out on!