

thoughts on some media yep yep yep

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deadly premonition 2

june 24, 2024

i didn't know anything about deadly premonition except for the clip of northernlion getting his ass handed to him by prewritten dialogue. it just so happened that one day youtube recommended me his deadly premonition 2 series and i thought the clip was pretty funny so i decided to watch it....

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april 29, 2024

went into this somewhat blind. i've listened to some of the musical but never bothered learning the plot. what's strange is that i've owned this book (a physical copy) for years... it's been so long i don't even know why i have it

i couldn't even read this the first time i tried. lol. i was younger and the prose was unlike anything i've been given at school. but now that i'm Older and Wiser, i can finally understand....

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the informers

april 4, 2024

the informers. pretty good

don't want to spoil too much (but maybe that's a spoiler in and of itself) but reading it makes you wonder why ellis has to make the stylistic choices he does… it's just short stories, but it's obvious he put care into it

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suspiria (2018)

january 3, 2024

actually these are just notes on the movie

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crime and punishment

november 8, 2023

Hate and love that it’s a family drama first because the relationships between raskolnikov and his family is so .. wholesome. In a Way. but the man who was going to marry dounia was so boring and unremarkable (i don’t even remember his name). glad he became irrelevant

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ender's game

november 2022

Does anyone remember Ender's Game? I've spent so many years on social media and have not seen a single thing about it. The movie for it came out in 2013. I watched it, but it wasn't until a year or so ago that I even knew it was based on a book. And that the book was a part of a series. It's because of a song that I remembered the movie at all.

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november 2022

there is a really funny bit where a wandering salesman/entertainer visits the main girls (Laura and Carmilla, the vampire). he notices that Carmilla has two really sharp teeth "like a fish," and offers to file it down.

yes Carmilla is offended as hell but also i can't believe that such a foreboding novel allows this to happen. people have been making vampire jokes like this for YEARS it seems. that's hilarious

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